When it comes to serving our Tribute Technology clients, we don't just talk about it... we aim to walk the walk every day.
Providing top-notch customer service is at the heart of everything we do, just like it is for your firm and the families you serve within your community.
Below are a few thoughts from our leadership team on why high-quality customer service matters.
"The more I've learned about the funeral profession, the more impressed I am about how much funeral directors truly care about everyone who is in the room with them. The altruism they show to the families and communities they work with inspires us daily. They deserve the same high level of respect and care from their technology partner, too. We want to be someone they can trust and rely upon, and customer service is key to creating a rock-solid relationship for years to come."
— Charlie Cole, CEO of Tribute Technology
“I’m passionate about helping our clients succeed by connecting them with the perfect resources and tools for their firms to use. Over the years, I’ve formed many lifelong friendships within the profession. I care about their firms just as much as I care about our business. When we all communicate and work together to find solutions, magic happens. I truly believe that we all rise together.”
— Courtney Gould Miller, Chief Customer Officer at Tribute Technology
"I've worked with many clients for years and years. They're not just business acquaintances to me. I consider many of them to be lifelong friends! Making sure we get everything exactly right for them is not just a checkbox I'm trying to mark off — it's because I care about them personally and want their firms to succeed."
— Jules Green-Fournier, VP of Customer Success at Tribute Technology
"For us, a superior customer experience starts with an excellent eCommerce website. We want to make sure every single person who visits our website has the best experience possible. We want them to find what they need easily, use our product builder to preview their Loved One's Keepsake, and we want their checkout to be simple and easy. Once the Keepsake is ordered, our expedited shipping means the Keepsake arrives quickly. Plus, our customer service team is top-notch and easy to contact. Our 40K+ five-star reviews show that families truly appreciate what you do for them when you connect them with one of our Fingerprint Keepsakes."
— Jerry Pluviose, VP of eCommerce for Legacy Touch
We're always just a call or an email away when you need us. You can always reach out to us using this quick form when you need to get in touch.
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